We connect artists to playlist curators.
Get playlisted, or get your money back.
1173 active campaigns
Campaigns Delivered
Artists Helped
Streams Generated
Average Streams Increase
1173 active campaigns
So this is what we've done for other artists..
1173 active campaigns
Campaigns Delivered
Artists Helped
Streams Generated
Average Streams Increase
1173 active campaigns
At PlaylistGrow,
results come first.
We deliver the best results by carefully selecting our curators. We have a strict no-bot policy, ensuring that all playlists are grown organically, keeping your music safe!
Verrified Trustpilot review
Noah Taylor
I've had great results promoting my music through playlistgrow. The engagement of the playlists is good and I'm very happy with the results so far.
Verrified Trustpilot review
Great music promotion, my song got added to some nice playlists. Also got more streams from algoritm playlists like release radar. Seems to have triggered something there.
Verrified Trustpilot review
I've turned to them multiple times, for different tracks and they have never disappointed. The playlist placements they got for my music were truly impressive.
Don't just take our word for it.
Only Organic and real growth.
We have a strict no-bot policy, Our curators get screened useing Artist Tools to verify their legitimacy.
Advanced Targeting
Our AI-powered algorithm matches your song to the right genre playlists.
Competitive Pricing
We work with most budgets, and have the most competitive pricing in the industry.
Trusted By Artists
Trusted by over thousands of artists & curators all around the world.
Monthly Support
Our service is a monthly subscribtion. We offer long-term support for your music.
Why choose us?
Get started today
Set up your campaign in under 5 minutes
Never get scammed
by the industry!
Download our FREE e-book (available for a limited time) packed with tips and tricks to avoid fake playlists. Don't let scams or bot-filled playlists hinder your growth.
Verrified by www.artist.tools
Only Organic
and real growth
We have a strict no-bot policy, Our curators get screened useing Artist Tools to verify their legitimacy.
Verrified Trustpilot review
Noah Taylor
I've had great results promoting my music through playlistgrow. The engagement of the playlists is good and I'm very happy with the results so far.
Don't just take our word for it.
Verrified Trustpilot review
I've turned to them multiple times, for different tracks and they have never disappointed. The playlist placements they got for my music were truly impressive.
Verrified Trustpilot review
Great music promotion, my song got added to some nice playlists. Also got more streams from algoritm playlists like release radar. Seems to have triggered something there.